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Celebrating World Environment Day: Significance, Consequence, and Suggestions

Celebrating World Environment Day

Having originated since 1970s every year the World Environment Day is commemorated on the 5 th of June and this is among the largest and most successful campaigns that was organised to increase the awareness of the public on environmental issues.

Now celebrated by more than 180 countries, and initially set up by the United Nations in 1974, this day serves as a prime opportunity to focus on both environmental education and the promotion of awareness and activism for environmental issues around the world. 

Hence, the World Environment Day is very crucial to observe and commemorate as is explained below. Thus, the picture can be considered as the reminder of our duties to protect the environment and practise eco-friendly behaviour patterns. It is commemorated through several activities and events that have been organised across the world with the aim of addressing significant environmental problems like the global warming, the cutting down of trees, the pollution, and loss of species.

Encourage Action: As a result, governments, organisations and individuals come up with passion that encourages them to take practical steps towards environmental conservation.

Foster Collaboration: It gives an opportunity as well as a forum of inter-country collaboration and ideas exchange in the conservation of the environment.

World Environment Day is one of the most popular global events in recent years, in which numerous meetings and performances are being held to cause awareness in people about environmental issues.

Generally, World Environment Day plays its role participating, influencing the change of the environmental policies at the international level and encouraging people to change their behavior. Every year, the day comes with the theme that taps on one particular aspect of environmental degradation. These categories of approach assist in focusing on such issues and generate necessary measures towards their addresses. Some of the key impacts include:Some of the key impacts include:

Policy Influence: Awareness sometimes promotes formulation of policies on the environment at country and even global levels.

Community Engagement: This involves activities such as tree planting, clean up campaigns, and educational sessions all of which keep awareness of a culture that protects and embraces the environment among the community groups.

Corporate Responsibility: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies make recommendations to businesses so that they can incorporate environmental friendly measures and support environmental endeavors.

World Environment Day Ideas

Create World Environment Day Cards: Create and distribute cards with some nice sayings about nature and environmental issues. It can be useful in educating people and thanking the nature for its existence in our environment.

Organize a Community Clean-Up: Organise a group of like-minded people, including friends, relatives, or workplace acquaintances, and help pick up trash in a park, on a beach, or at the neighborhood. As this is an enjoyable and practical activity, it results in the enhancement of locality’s surroundings while promoting unity.

Plant Trees: The use of trees in the ecosystem cannot be underestimated since they act as agents that help in maintaining ecological balance. Plant trees from your own home or find a plot of land near you that needs trees and plant more trees.

Host an Educational Workshop: Raise awareness amongst your fellow human beings or your organization’s employees through conducting educational environmental workshop or a webinar. This can be especially if it is related to schools and other local non-governmental institutions.

Promote Sustainable Living: Create content related to the topic and post it on social media or in a blog with the purpose of promoting ideas of waste reduction, energy savings, and adopting better environmental practices.

Check out these quotes running high for world environment day 2020 Welcome to our world where earth is no longer a home, due to reckless exploitation of resources.

Rarely, one can be in need of some words that will spur a change or worth reflecting upon and a quote can do just that.

One famous quote regarding environmental conservation is the statement that goes ‘We won’t have a society if we destroy this environment.’ By Margaret Mead.

“The Earth does not belong to us: Its sad, but true: “We are earth bound.” – Marlee Matlin

Another great quote that touches the topic is the following, “He that plants trees loves others besides himself.” (Thomas Fuller )

Engaging in World Environment Day: The following provide practical steps to promote effective working relationships in line with the company’s corporate culture:

Celebration of world environment day is not limited to a day occasion. It involves embracing environmentally friendly practices as a true society and encouraging others to adopt the measures. 

Reuse: Recycling includes repurposing old items for use rather than disposing them as wastes or scraps. Recycling is making use of old items for new purposes, for instance reusing glass jars for storing various items, using old clothes to clean instead of a cloth among others.

Recycle: Too often people do not take the effort to dispose of their waste properly meaning recyclable products end up in the wrong cycle and therefore do not get processed correctly. Make sure to learn the rules of recycling of the specific area in which you live to make the process efficient.

Stay Informed: Always have an update with what is happening environmentally and any policies that may affect the environment.

Vote: Get involved with elections and vote for leaders with cleaner environment policies.

Speak Up: Before the passage of this law, you can write letters to your representatives, join organisations and groups to advocate for changes in laws, and attend meetings to give your opinions on issues.


Knowledge is always the key to all of this, hence its understanding and the impact it was able to make shows that each of us have a role to play in order to ensure that the environment we live in is healthier and sustainable. Now it is time for all of us to think and take action about our environmental stewardship and for the better future we need.

Let us support World Environment Day to spread the message, to take actions, and encourage people around the world to act as well. Collectively, we can bring transformations; implement strategies that help in fostering sustainable living and a better environment for coming generations.

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